Foods to keep you snuggled up this winter season! DIP’s Classic Rusk & Multigrain Chips

Brr… yes, Game of Thrones fans, we hear you. Winter will be leaving us in a few weeks! This years winter is supposed to be one of the coldest in recorded history! While we have been enjoying the cold winds and hot cuppas, it is necessary to fuel your body with ‘winter-foods’ that will help keeping your body warm in these last few weeks.
During winters, your body’s metabolism rate drops in order to save energy to keep your body warm. Which is probably why you tend to feel lazy and drowsy during winters. The human body needs food that will help sustain it during colder months, while being easily digestible and full of nutrients, in order to remain in optimum health.

Here’s a list of foods that will not only keep you snuggled up but will also provide your body with the proper nourishment it needs.
1. Honey
It’s not just a figure of speech when people refer to Honey as the
Golden elixir of life. Made using the nectar straight out of flowers, honey as a whole is the best that nature can offer. Easy to digest, honey helps in warming up your insides and helping you fight infections due to its antibacterial properties. Taken in small doses, honey will keep the common flu and other infections far away from you. So brew that cup of green tea and add a good teaspoon of honey today!
2. Onions
In certain parts of the Asian continent, the onion is considered as an energizing tonic as it causes a person to sweat, thus keeping his body warm, which makes it a perfect addition to our list. Use onions to stir up a pot of French onion soup and garnish with DIP’s Baked Whole Wheat Croutons.
3. Desi Ghee
A widely known piece of information in Ayurveda, passed from one generation on to the next refers to Ghee as a superfood. Yes, your Nani was right about adding a dollop of home made ghee to your plate of dal-chawal.

Full of healthy fats, Ghee helps in protecting your immunity and keeping your body warm. Available in your very own kitchen, this superfood will keep you fit, fine and warm when taken in small doses.
4. Bananas
We have another superfood on our list! Widely known as a meal replacement, one banana packs in about 100 calories, a good dose of magnesium, potassium and B vitamins, which helps regulate the thyroid and adrenal gland, keeping your body warm and healthy. Slice a banana and add it on top of DIP’s Classic Rusk with a drizzle of honey for a quick snack, or eat a banana with some peanut butter for added protein.
5. Ginger

Ginger contains properties that help your body get warm, which is why it usually goes hand in hand with a cup of chai. What’s more? Ginger is said to reduce hunger pangs and regulate your blood sugar levels. So, we think it’s perfectly okay to brew that cup of ginger tea and enjoy some DIP Multigrain Chips while you’re at it.
6. Sesame Seeds

Vastly known as an ingredient that helps to keep your body warm, Sesame seeds are a common addition to Indian sweets and chikkis. Sesame seeds are a high source of Cholesterol lowering phytosterols, and iron, fiber and magnesium. These small seeds also help in regulating your hormones and can help you prevent cancer and burn fat! You can include this superfood in your diet by sprinkling it in your salad or by soaking it overnight and blending it with water to make sesame milk.

Try these Superfoods and let us know if they’ve worked for you! You can send us your feedback on our facebook page or email us at! We would love to hear from you…
